The wishing stone cast
The wishing stone cast

He went on and saw a man with a sword, who said: 'Brother, give me something to eat.' The good-for-nothing took out his wishing-stone, and immediately meat and drink appeared before them. When he had been well beaten, the good-for-nothing came, took his stone, and went on his way with the stick. It struck him until all his bones were made soft. 'If any one stretches out his hand and calls, "Out, stick!" the stick will fall upon the person in front of its master.' The good-for-nothing made the exchange, and went away a short distance then he said, 'Out, stick!' and stretched it out towards its former master. When they had finished their meal, the man with the stick said: 'Come, I will exchange my stick with thee for this stone.' 'What is the use of thy stick?' inquired the good-for-nothing. He wished, and there appeared before them everything ready for eating.

the wishing stone cast

This man said: 'Brother, give me something to eat.' The good-for-nothing put his hand in his pocket, and took out the wishing-stone. He went on, and met on the road a man with a big stick. The good-for-nothing went on his way joyfully he no longer had any care or thought he rejoiced that now he could live without trouble. They looked everywhere, but could not tell whether heaven or earth had swallowed them, so they learnt nothing. The devis awoke, they saw that neither the good-for-nothing nor the wishing-stone was there any longer. When the door was burned, and the devis slept again, the good-for-nothing rose up, put the wishing-stone in his pocket, and left the house. The devis were angry, and furiously jumped up, pulled down the door, and put it in the fire.

the wishing stone cast

The good-for-nothing did this trick over and over again. They were surprised, but shut the door, and went to sleep. The devis awoke and looked, but the stone was in its place, and the good-for-nothing snoring. When they had fallen into a profound sleep, the good-for-nothing rose up, took the stone, came to the door, and, when he wished it to open, it began to creak out: 'The guest has stolen the wishing-stone.' The good-for-nothing turned back, again put the wishing-stone in its place, went into the bedroom and began to snore as if he were asleep. They rejoiced, closed the door, and went to sleep again. The creaking of the door awoke the devis they jumped up and looked they found the wishing-stone in its place, and the good-for-nothing in a sweet slumber. It creaked and called out: 'The guest has stolen the wishing-stone.' The good-for-nothing turned back, put the stone in its place, went into the bedroom, and pretended to be asleep. He wished the door to open, and sure enough it began to creak. Once when the devis were in a deep sleep, the good-for-nothing silently stole out of the bedroom, took the wishing-stone, and came to the door. They lived thus without care, they had no kind of sorrow, and this was just what our good-for-nothing liked he approved of this life, and wanted to steal the wishing-stone.

the wishing stone cast

When they wereĪssembled together, they took out the stone: if they wished for dinner, dinner appeared if they wanted supper, they wished for supper, and lo! what they wished for heartily appeared before their eyes. He stayed with them by day and by night he ate with them, he drank with them, he slept with them he was like their youngest brother. The devis treated him well, for he had spoken them fair. He went in and spoke in a friendly manner to them, and sat down by the fire. He came near and saw in the middle of the room a fire, round which the devis were sitting, warming their hands. He travelled on, and when he had ascended the ninth mountain from where he started, he saw a large house, and in this house devis dwelt. He went forth, he himself knew not whither he was going. She importuned him, saying: 'Thou must go away, travel forth and seek for something thou seest how poor we are.' At last the husband could no longer bear her reproaches, so he arose and went. THERE was once a good-for-nothing man, who had a shrewish wife. Georgian Folk Tales, by Marjory Wardrop, at Georgian Folk Tales: Georgian Folk Tales: III.

The wishing stone cast