Charmstone analysis
Charmstone analysis

charmstone analysis

Palynology: the study of pollen, studying cores, we can see how the plants changed over time 3. dendrochronology, fire-scar analysis: looking at the rings in trees to date how old the trees are, using the rings and the year that they were from with scars from fires-we can tell when burning when was done 2. Where native people's were landscape managers, collaboration with CA state parks, Amah Mutsun Tribal Band worked with them, their ancestors lived in the area and used to do anthropogenic burning- purposefully burning area to enhance biodiversity-led to lots of new species of plants (berries, nuts, seeds) which increased productivity of area, provided rich feed for economic animals like deer and rabbits -when Russians and Spanish came in, they prohibited anthropogenic burning cause they didnt want indians burning their infrastructure 1950 when CA became a state, they prohibited it -1700s- amah mutsun ancestors brought into the missions, lost a lot of knowledge about the burning, working with CA state parks so CA state parks can get more knowledge about it-they are all trying to revive it -landscape managers today interested in using anthropogenic burning, especially small ones, where areas are overgrown, to enhance biodiversity -4 major factures that went in 1.

charmstone analysis

(4/22, lecture notes on Shackley reading) -based on aesthetics

charmstone analysis

Analysis: methods we use to shed info on past people technological analysis of lithics: -flaked or chipped stone: use lithic cores or cobbles to strike these rocks, usually used on rocks with high silica content-obsidian (kryptocrystalline), struck with heavy blow, flakes drop, form sharp edges -ground stone: grinding and polishing to get shape, pestles and charmstones, in CA we don't have ceramic making, usually baskets can combine groundstone with soapstone to make smooth edges and produces bowls form analysis of lithics: -use-wear studies: experimental archaeology, the edges of tools can be analyzed to see what activities they've done we replicate the stone tools and do different activities with them and then look at the edges afterwards we can compare to past tools to see what the tools were used for (wood chipping, skinning, butchering, etc.) -residue analysis: if blood hasn't come off yet, we can see the proteins on the tool and see what animals they've killed or something stylistic analysis: Steve Shackley used stylistic analysis of these Obsidian and Glass artifacts to show that the design of his tools were influenced by many tribes, not just his (ishi's) own.

Charmstone analysis